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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Blog Resources...

The various resources that I have included in my blog continue to grow and change as the focus and message of my blog becomes clearer.

Digital Asset Management: Flickr

Flickr’s free online photo management site provides options for sharing, organizing and storing digital images. The software includes security feature and the interface is very intuitive and easy to use. Flickr also incorporates blogging features, commenting, and some limited image manipulation tools. It is an easy way for individuals of all ages to experience technology in a fun and interesting way. People at all skill levels would find this tool useful.

Social Bookmarking: BlinkList

BlinkList is a social bookmarking manager that lets you “save, share, and access all the favorite information you find online.” The tool easily allows you to import your current bookmarks from your browser and other social bookmarking sites such as del.icio.us and Furl. The support, tutorials and “how-to” movie demos make it very easy to get started. It is very easy to add useful sites to a blog. Each time you update your blinklist, the new link immediately appears on your blog. BlinkList also allows you to keep some of your bookmarks private, so for example, if you have additional bookmarks that do not necessarily relate to your blog or website, you can keep them private so they are not updated to your blog. Some of the sites I’ve added to my BlinkList include resources relating to web design, distance education, and graphics. I’ve added links to resources that I hope will be of interest to the audience reading my blog. Some of the resources I’ve included are:
W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium site is a very valuable resource for anyone who produces web documents. The site is an informational site that contains specifications and guidelines relating to web standards. The site also has tools available such as the MarkUp Validator and Link Checker which will allow you to test your code and help you produce quality web documents.
Innovate: Journal of Online Education - This online periodical provides interesting articles on distance education and information technology in education.
CSS Zen Garden -
This site provides excellent examples of Cascading Style Sheets. Individuals can download the html and css files for each page and experiment with them. You can modify the style sheet and experiment with the code to get a better understanding of the power of CSS.


I’ve also incorporated into my blog, a list of other blogs I am monitoring thru Bloglines. Bloglines lets you easily subscribe and share blogs and news feeds that are of use or interest to you. One feature that I found useful was the ability to organize my feeds into folders. I was then able to link the appropriate folder to my own blog to customize the resources I am providing for my audience. This option allows you to very easily organize your resources and customize a group of links for a particular curriculum, purpose or audience.


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